Cat Allergy Removal

Most doctors including allergists are still not aware of the research in the burgeoning field of psychoneuroimmunology which has demonstrated strong interconnectivity between the nervous system and the immune system [ref].  There is an interplay between these two systems in the production of allergic responses.  Therefore, the very nature of an allergy can be changed when changes occur in the nervous system. 

Changes in the nervous system are exactly what hypnotherapy accomplishes. By removing the hidden stress associated in what Freud called repressed memories, a person can change how they respond to allergens. 

I was a guinea pig in one such trial. I had a terrible cat allergy. In high school I discovered one day, after years of owning a cat, that I was allergic to my own cat.  Throughout subsequent decades of life I could always tell immediately when entering a house if the owner had a cat. My eyes would begin watering and itching.  I would start sneezing and my throat would get scratchy.  

Through hypnotherapy it was discovered that a scary incident involving a cat occurred when I was four years old. It would not have seemed scary to an adult, but as a small child it was scary. I had a vague conscious memory of the event, but would never have thought of it ordinarily. 

Our nervous systems make automatic associations as we learn. In this case it associated cats with danger for me, and in its own way was trying to protect me by keeping me away from cats. My inner 4-year-old still had this fear association. Over the years other experiences with cats strengthened the neural pathways in my brain until one day it manifested as a cat allergy. After the hypnotherapist resolved the fear I was told my allergy was gone. 

All this sounded a bit crazy to me. I honestly didn’t believe it. So I went looking for cats. At first I was very cautious, but when I noticed no reaction, I became bolder and began rubbing my face in each cat I encountered. To my surprise, I am completely free of my cat allergy.

At Toronto Hypnosis Therapy you too can achieve allergy relief.

- Wes Rupel, Director